Tiago Scolari

bits for fun

s3kup: the s3 backup tool


I’ve created a tool creating backups on a s3 bucket, I called it s3kup. It’s written in GO and very straightforward to use. It’s somehow a rewrite of an old ruby gem I had for the same purpose.

It’s a command that can take any input from a shell pipeline and store it in a versioned way in a s3 bucket. s3kup has 3 basic commands: push, pull and list.


It will store your backup, e.g.:

pg_dump | bzip2 -c | s3kup push --access-key aws_key --secret-key aws_secret --bucket-name my-backups --file-name database-bkp.bz2 --keep 5
tar cz /app-storage/* | s3kup push --access-key aws_key --secret-key aws_secret --bucket-name my-backups --file-name app-storage.tar.bz2 --keep 5
cat my-cat-picture.png | s3kup push --access-key aws_key --secret-key aws_secret --bucket-name my-backups --file-name my-cat-picture.png --keep 5

It should work with anything you send as input through a pipeline.

s3kup will create a structure on the bucket like this:

|- database-bkp.bz2/
   |- <timestamp1>
   |- <timestamp2>
   | ...
   |- <timestampN>

The --keep flag will enforce how many versions you want to keep for the file. s3kup will automatically remove older versions when the keep limit is reached.


List stored versions for a backup:

s3kup list --access-key aws_key --secret-key aws_secret --bucket-name my-backups --file-name database-bkp.bz2
* 1429439081775798266       119.5K      Sun Apr 19 07:00:10 2015
* 1429439081773590206        38.7K      Sat Apr 18 07:00:08 2015
* 1429439081772235435        38.6K      Fri Apr 17 07:00:07 2015
* 1429439081771233242        35.2K      Thu Apr 17 07:00:08 2015
* 1429439081763423420        33.2K      Wed Apr 16 07:00:08 2015


Pull will output the stored version to the STDOUT. By default it will fetch the last pushed version:

s3kup pull --access-key aws_key --secret-key aws_secret --bucket-name my-backups --file-name database-bkp.bz2 > database-bkp.bz2
s3kup pull --access-key aws_key --secret-key aws_secret --bucket-name my-backups --file-name database-bkp.bz2 | bunzip2 > database.sql

But it’s possible to specify a version too:

s3kup pull 1429439081761232345 --access-key aws_key --secret-key aws_secret --bucket-name my-backups --file-name database-bkp.bz2 | bunzip2 > database.sql

Custom endpoints

By default s3kup will push to the us-east amazon s3 endpoint (https://s3.amazonaws.com), but it’s possible to specify the endpoint for another region or a s3 like service:

s3kup push --endpoint-url "https://s3-eu-west-1.amazonaws.com" ...

Download / Install

Using go to build/download:

go get github.com/tscolari/s3kup
go install github.com/tscolari/s3kup

Or download the binary.

Github Repository